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About Me

Hi! I'm Antoinette van Belle

Ever since I remember I have had a thirst for spirituality.

I came across the joys of yoga and meditation whilst I was at Acting School. They say when the student is ready the teacher will appear. I have been blessed with wonderful teachers who have inspired me and helped me go deeper on my path. 


In my final year at acting school, I went through a personal crisis which caused me so much pain in my back that I could barely walk. I was introduced to Shiatsu and I was so amazed by this ancient therapy and the healing effect it had on me and the insights it gave me to the body-mind connection, that it made me want to know more and soon I began to study it seriously both at the East-West Centre in London and at the IOKAI Shiatsu School in Amsterdam.


Life, work and love saw me moving from the UK to The Netherlands to Italy and Spain. At a particularly challenging moment in my life, I heard someone read from ‘A Course in Miracles’ and it was as if a part of me that had been asleep suddenly woke up. Whilst I struggled with its uncompromising message I could not deny its voice of truth and I could see the importance of the mind training. It has been my spiritual path ever since.


Through ACIM another door opened to Dru Yoga, a lineage that immediately touched me profoundly due to its heart-centred, flowing movements and its holistic approach. I studied with marvellous teachers and became a certified teacher myself.

After nine years in Spain, my family and I set off on a new adventure and we moved to Costa Rica. A huge change and, as you can imagine, not without its challenges. In this luscious, green country I discovered that I had an autoimmune disease. It was a wake-up call and an opportunity for healing unresolved issues and allowing all my knowledge, trust and experience to come into fruition. Yoga, meditation, nutrition, nature, coaching and functional medicine have been my holistic approach to finding health and wellbeing. Deeply I know the truth that healing is not so much about the body as of the mind and that forgiveness and choosing love over fear are the ultimate tools for finding peace.


From my own experience of living with an autoimmune disease, I know the importance of finding balance on every level and how challenging that can be.


I have woven the richness of all the powerful disciplines that have come on my path into my own authentic style which is tinted with humour, compassion, presence and integrity.


My Journey

I am delighted to accompany you


​© 2021 Antoinette van Belle. All Rights Reserved. Created by Dutch & Dapper.

Photography by Patricia Howell & Daniela Martinez

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